
Kevin Mitchell

born 1983
Master of Laws (LL.M.) (University of London) (2009)
admission as a lawyer in Germany (2012) and as a notary (official seat in Berlin) (2021)
long-standing experience in the areas of corporate and real estate law

areas of expertise:

  • corporate law (legal advice and management)
  • inheritance law (succession planning)
  • notary (official seat in Berlin)
To see more clearly, a change of perspective often suffices. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Kevin Mitchell

Anja Eifler

born 1970
training as a paralegal and notarial clerk (1993)
admission as a lawyer in Germany (2001)
long-standing experience in the areas of corporate and real estate law

areas of expertise:

  • real estate law (specifically reviewing and drafting real estate purchase contracts and property development contracts)
  • corporate law (legal advice and management)
  • inheritance law (succession planning)
  • management of notarial mandates
Committed to meeting your needs.

Anja Eifler

Dominique Sochert

born 1990
training as a paralegal and notarial clerk (2014)
long-standing experience in the area of corporate law

areas of competence:

  • corporate law, family and inheritance law, notarial mandates
  • legal support for lawyers as well as drafting of notarial deeds
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." (Maya Angelou)

Dominique Sochert

Andreas Picht

born 1959
training as a bank clerk (1982)
certified banker (1988)
long-standing experience in the area of financing and human resources

areas of competence:

  • support for lawyers and the notary
  • AML matters
  • office organisation, invoicing, dunning
“You have to attempt the impossible to achieve the possible.” (Hermann Hesse)

Andreas Picht